Readers’ Favorite Review & 1st Place Winner
How to Rate a Soulmate received a 5-star review from Readers’ Favorite. Yippee! And thank you to the reviewer, Tracy Young, who took the time to read the book and write a review.
How to Rate a Soulmate also won 1st Place in Romance from the Royal Dragonfly Book Awards.
Here is the full review:
“How to Rate a Soulmate” is the story of a modern woman. Meet Sara. She is thirty-nine, happily single and working at an ad agency, but dreams of writing espionage novels. Her friends have paid for her to see a psychic to mark the momentous occasion of her pre-fortieth birthday. Sara finds out she was a Viking wife in a former life and a slutty Viking wife at that. She is also told that in order to find true love in this life she needs to love herself. Hence, The Plan. Sara embarks on a series of beauty treatments that are costly and painful, the ultimate goal in her sights being liposuction. Accompanied by her friends and colleagues, join Sara on her quest for self-improvement and the obstacles she faces in this witty book by D.L. Fisher.
This is a gem of a book, funny yet full of angst. D.L. Fisher has filled “How to Rate a Soulmate” with some awesome characters. Ash – and his bookstore – is a favorite of mine, the spinster sisters lurking in the aisles are hilarious and provide comic relief. Sara, however, is my ultimate woman and I would quite happily sneer at stick-thin supermodels with her and compare cottage cheese textured thighs! This is a perfect summer read and you will feel like you have been on a roller coaster of emotions. Sara is not your usual twenty-something heroine; she is a woman with issues and hot pink dildo named George. Come on, what’s not to love?
Author K. Z. Kane (Blindfolded: A True Story) says of How to rate a Soulmate:
Besides being laugh out loud funny, the story entertained with twists and unexpected surprises. I read this book from cover to cover in one sitting—it is a delicious, delightful diversion you won’t want to put down!
Author Lavinia James (At First Sight) says of How to Rate a Soulmate:
“How to Rate a Soulmate” is a tasty, uproarious read that you can’t put down until you find out if Sara ever finds “the one.”
Author Mark Plets (Kelly: a tale of ould Ireland) says of How to Rate a Soulmate:
Satisfying, hilarious, yet laced with soulful depths, the story of Sara’s quest for meaningful love will keep you guessing and laughing until your sides hurt. Replete with a quirky and delightful ensemble of characters you’ll wish you could hang out with, “How to Rate a Soulmate” is everything an intelligent romantic comedy should be. I can’t get enough of Fisher’s rapid-fire, snarky sense of humor. You’ll thank your stars for finding this book.